(419) 485-8331 secretary@wmsco.org

Mission and Vision

The Williams County Board of Developmental Disabilities is determined to ensure the availability of programs, services, and supports that assist individuals with developmental disabilities in choosing and achieving a life of increasing capability such that they can live, work, and play in the community, and to assist and support the families of these individuals in achieving this objective.

Mission Statement

Supporting people living the life they choose.

Vision Statement

A community where everyone belongs.


Our old building housing the Williams County Board of DD, also known as The Enrichment Center, used to be known as Sunnyside School. The school portion of our program “closed” as school-age students integrated into the public schools, with the pre-school students following a similar path.

Looking back, Williams County Board of DD was actually ahead of the times, ending the segregation of students with disabilities in specialized programs/buildings, allowing them to attend school with their peers.

Early Intervention services continued at The Enrichment Center, providing services, including therapy, to children, birth to 3 yrs. of age. In 2014, a directive was given, by the State of Ohio, to discontinue center-based services and begin providing services in the children’s natural environment. Currently, our Developmental Specialist, along with Speech, Occupational and Physical Therapist provides services in the home and/or community environment. Other services provided include Early Childhood Screenings and evaluations.

While pre-school and school-age children are now integrated into the public school, they continue to be eligible for a variety of County Board services, including Service and Support Administration (SSA) and Family Support Services (FSS).

As students exit the school system, they may continue to receive SSA services. The SSA works with the individual and family members to determine the type of supports they need. Areas of support may be needed in the area of residential, employment, or other day services.

The Williams County Board of DD does not provide direct services; however, the SSA may assist the individual in selecting a provider of service. The County Board also maintains a waiting list for some services. The county board also facilitates a Self Advocacy group, which meets on a monthly basis. Individuals support each other as they learn how to make their own decisions, speak up for themselves, and learn about and act on issues that affect their daily lives.

So, as you can see, while Sunnyside School no longer exists, the Williams County Board of Developmental Disabilities is still very busy providing an array of services to individuals with developmental disabilities in Williams County.

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